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Decking the halls is a much-anticipated activity all year long. The trip to the attic to retrieve all the homemade decorations, the lights, and maybe even the tree brings an air of excitement for the upcoming holiday. But hidden among all the anticipated activities are many accidents waiting to happen. Did you know, between 2007-2016 a reported 173,000 people were injured by lights, trees, and other holiday-related decorating? And did you know that men are more likely to be harmed by electrical lights and decorations? And lastly, 41% of decorating injuries are caused by falls.
Here are a few tips for avoiding becoming our next patient this holiday season:
Know Your Limit
When hauling items from the attic, be aware of their weight and size. It’s easy to improperly lift a heavy or awkward box and hurt your back.
Have Help
Not only will having a second set of hands make the process go faster, but it’s also safer. Climbing up and down a ladder to and from the attic or to the roof can be dangerous when there’s no one to stabilize it or to hand items to.
Use Equipment the Proper Way
There’s nothing more frustrating than having a ladder that’s too short when trying to decorate a tree or put lights on your house. But propping up your ladder on the tailgate of your truck is NOT the best way to give you a few extra feet. Get a bigger ladder.
Inevitably, you may find yourself injured regardless of the safety measures you’ve put in place. Whether it’s caused by a rogue Christmas ornament, a rowdy Black Friday crowd or a uncooperating ladder, we are here for you. Make an appointment with one of our therapists for a complete evaluation to determine how we can best help you get back on your feet….or your ladder, if you must.
We love our patients, but we don’t want to have to see you this holiday season for injuries that could have been avoided. We want you to have a joyous and relaxing time celebrating with friends and family.