7/9/2021Ankle Injury? We Can Help.

Athletics for kids has returned in full force.  While this is great news for our young athletes, we are seeing more injuries and treating kids as young as 10 for minor injuries due to overuse and improper use.  The cause for this could be a couple of things- athletes are returning to sports after having almost a year of none.  And athletes are playing multiple sports at once and not properly conditioning the body for the specific movements in each sport.

A common injury we are seeing is Peroneal Tendinopathy, which is a tendon injury.  The tendons on either side of the ankle helps stabilize it so it won’t roll or twist.  If the foot doesn’t hit the ground in the proper position it puts stress on the tendon causing it to become enlarged and swollen.  An untreated ankle sprain may also cause this condition since the tendon did not heal properly.

Seeing a physical therapist immediately following such an injury will ensure the ankle heals properly and full strength and range of motion is fully restored.  A PT will use several techniques and equipment while treating this condition.

Education is the first and most important part of rehab. It’s important the patient knows the proper movements, shoes and equipment to be used to strengthen and protect the ankle in various activities.

Stretching and strengthening exercises are part of the treatment program and strive to increase range of motion with reduced pain week over week.  Some home exercises are also prescribed to keep the tendons loose between PT sessions.

Functional training will help with sport-specific exercises to keep the tendons healthy and prevent future injuries.

If you are experiencing pain in your ankles while running or playing the sports you love, you may need to visit with one of our PT’s at Cypress Physical Therapy.  Peroneal Tendinopathy is treatable. Let us help you stay fit, healthy and play your favorite sports pain free.